2003 law on Corporate Philanthropy : “The State no longer has the monopoly of the general interest” (Jean-Pierre Raffarin at the time of the promulgation of the Aillagon Law)

Société Générale 20 ans

General frame (238 Bis AB from CGI)

Tax reduction of 60% of the amount of donations to actions of general interest, up to 0.5% of the annual turnover.

For the acquisition of original works by living artists (238 bis AB from CGI) : “Companies that acquire original works of living artists and enter them as a fixed asset account may deduct from their annual result from the year of acquisition and the following four years, in equal parts, an amount equal to the price of purchase. The deduction made in respect of each financial year may not exceed 0.5% of the turnover, less any other payments made in respect of corporate patronage. Throughout the deduction period, the works thus acquired must be displayed in a place open to the public or simply to the employees and / or customers of the company, with the exclusion of individual offices” (Ministry of Culture – Corporate Philanthropy).


Société Générale Contemporary Art Collection : the 20 years in 2015



Renault Collection ArtCorporate Philanthropy today in France *

3.5 billion euros in 2016 (2.8 billion in 2013), ie 170,000 corporate patrons (72% of Very Small Enterprises and 25% of Small & Medium Enterprises), but largely supported by Intermediate Size / Large Enterprises (3%) which represent 60% of the patronage budget,

47% of ISE / LE (companies with more than 250 employees) are engaged in a patronage process,

The budget allocated to culture is rising slightly, with € 525 million in 2016, chosen by 70% of ISE / LE, for image and communication challenges specific to large companies, with SMEs interested in territorial development or support to local heritage.

Among the 5 main motivations of the companies for the cultural patronage:

raise employees’ interest for art, develop their creativity, or offer them a pleasant working environment,

– forge or reinforce corporate identity, have an original communication approach,

Visual Arts, an area still largely under-evaluated, a strong differentiation opportunity :

13% of culture corporate patrons (+10),

1% of culture patronage budget.

Renault Art Collection: a pioneering adventure


 * Source: ADMICAL-CSA survey 2016, on representative sample of 1003 companies + 20 corporate patrons, incl. 100 in culture.



LOGO_ADMICAL       entreprisecontemporaine® signatory of ADMICAL chart of corporate patronage