entreprise : today held responsible for the world as it is, driven by the need to innovate, will now have to tell in the name of which ideal it creates value (world standard ISO 26000 on Corporate Social Responsibility, adopted September 12, 2010 by 77 countries including France ; art. 225 of Grenelle 2 giving listed companies the obligation of a CSR program from their 2011 annual report).
contemporary art : breakthrough beyond culture, is now an art of meaning, global, multimedia and more than ever engaged in our daily life (geopolitical, economical, social, societal and environmental).
contemporary artist : witness of the world as it is, is a creator but also an entrepreneur, facing concrete challenges with his oeuvre and production. A similar process to the manager’s in the corporate world ?
Veolia Environnement Campaign 2007: environment is an industrial challenge © Veolia Environnement
Zineb Sedira « Shipwreck : The Death of a Journey – the Lovers », Mauritania, 2008 © Zineb Sedira & Galerie Kamel Mennour, Paris
Xavier Veilhan and his « architects » 9th september 2009 in Versailles. © Xavier Veilhan/adagp & Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris